Barbell Chest Press | muscles targeted: pectorals, triceps
Step 1: Select a weight that’s right for you, gripping the bar just beyond shoulder-width (overhand grip). Keep in mind that you need to be able to push the weight from your lap (and get back up)
Step 2: Find an unoccupied flat bench and lay down
Step 3: Extend your arms as if you are punching the ceiling and steadily lower the bar toward your chest.
Tip: Don’t bounce the bar off your chest. The bar should gently touch your sternum (notch in your breastbone)
Tempo: 2–0–2
Dumbbell Bench Row | muscle targeted: rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, trapezius
Step 1: Select just one dumbbell that you feel you coud pull up while bent over.
Step 2: Find an unoccupied flat bench and position the weight on the floor on one side (most people start with their dominant side and rotate sides rather than doing several sets on one side and switching).
Step 3: Bend over keeping your back straight and abs tight with one arm and both legs in a balanced, supportive position.
Step 4: Reach for the weight and let it hang naturally. Starting from this position, lift the weight up towards your armpit and lower it back down to its natural position.
Tempo: 2–0–2
Dumbbell Wood Chop | muscles targeted: quadriceps, hamstring, deltoids, abdominals
Step 1: Select an appropriate weight for you.
Step 2: Position your feet so they are just outside of your hips as though you were going to perform a squat. Once your feet are set, you will hold the weight with both hands and your arms straight in front of you.
Tip: As you move the weight from a low position to a high position, squeeze your abs.
Step 3: Start by squatting down and your arms will move with your body (the dumbbell should be at knee height). Once you reach the lowest depth of your squat you would then push through your heels and accelerate your body in an upward motion keeping your arms straight. The weight should move from your knees to above your head. Be sure not to take the weight past the point that you can still see the dumbbell.
Tempo: 2–0–2
Squat to Press | muscles targeted: quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulders, and abdominals
Step 1: Begin by selecting a weight that you can lift above your head easily. This is a complex movement and the focus is not the shoulders. Rather, the focus is coordinating the entire movement and doing every aspect well (using your legs and arms).
Step 2: Raise the weights to the “resting position” just above your shoulders with your elbows pointing down but positions slightly in front of you.
Step 3: Bend down as if you were sitting in a chair. If you can go lower than our model, you can, but don’t go lower than 90 degrees.
Tip: Try doing this in front of a bench such that you can feel the end point of the movement. You can also avoid a having a spotter and sit down when necessary.
Tempo: 2–0–2
Dumbbell Bicep Curl | muscles targeted: biceps
Step 1: Select a weight that’s comfortable for you. This should challenge you, but let’s not go overboard!
Step 2: Start by standing on the exercise band at the middle of your shoes. Be sure that the resistance is even on both sides.
Step 3: Grab the weight as if you were “shaking hands” with them and hold them at your side.
Step 4: Pull them toward your body, rotating the dumbbells and squeezing your arms together (hand towards shoulder).
Tip: Lift both weights at the same time to focus on function and coordination, or try one at a time to achieve maximal strength.
Caution: Keep your elbows in close and don’t swing. Attempting to swing large weights with your shoulder can cause injury. Focus on completing a full range of motion and getting a good squeeze at the top.
Tempo: 2–0–2
Triceps Push | down muscles targeted: triceps
Step 1: Before beginning this exercise, be sure to check the selected weight. Setting a proper weight can sometimes be difficult, but it’s always important to start light and then increase as needed. Pull out the pin and adjust the amount of resistance. At the end of your set you should feel as though you worked hard without overdoing it or feeling as though it was too easy.
Step 2: Stand close to the machine with your feet even with your hips. Reach up and grab the bar and bring your elbows to your sides. Your elbows will be bent at approximately a 30 degree angle.
Step 3: Extend at your elbows all the way so that your hands finish at mid-thigh level. Return back to your starting position without resetting the weight.
Tip: Think about your elbows being glued to your sides. Don’t let them bow outward!
Tempo: 2–0–2
Medicine Ball Crunch | muscles targeted: obliques, abdominals
Step 1: Select a weighted medicine ball from the rack.
Step 2: Lay down flat on a mat or bench.
Step 3: Using extended arms to hold the ball above your head, pull your body upward toward your legs. You may bring your legs in to assist with the movement, balance, and tightening your abs.
Tip: Focus on form. You may need to try this without weights until you get the hang of it.
Caution: If you haven’t been training your abdominals, be prepared to feel sore for a few days !
Tempo: 2–0–2